So, what's new in East Malaysia? Can't think of anything. We spent this last week at home which was nice. We caught up on 'paper work' and a few other things we have been wanting to do. Bill/Dad spent some time getting acquainted with this new laptop and it's program for posting photos and videos. He can do some pretty fancy things.
We both needed haircuts so went exploring to find a place to have that done. It is quite different here from in America. First of all, we don't need an appointment---just go and there is someone who isn't busy and they will do it for you. Secondly, there is this thing that sometimes is a problem called language. I don't speak much Malay and they don't speak much English. I have been told that all beauticians think western women like short hair so I went into it with that advantage. So I told her 'just a trim' and indicated taking off less than 1/2 inch. That never happens. It is always about an inch that they take off. So, she starts with the haircut. Thirdly, after the haircut she asks if I would like a shampoo. "Sure." So then she takes a flattened-out plastic shopping bag and tuck it into my back collar followed by a small towel. Then she disappears for a minute and comes back with a handful of shampoo and a squeeze bottle of water. So, sitting in the chair, dry hair, she goes to work and soon there is a mound of suds which she works for about 10 minutes; massaging scalp, neck, shoulders, and all quite pleasant, not at all drippy. Then over to the basin for a rinse and the water flies; in the ears, down the neck, spray on my face. But she is thorough and dries me up good including in my ears. Whew! Then back to the chair for styling which is quite unremarkable. Often, the one who cuts and styles the hair is different from the one who does the shampooing. And all this for 38 RM which is just less than $10 US. Fun! :)
This last week has been Hari Raya which is a week-long celebration of the end of Ramadan. School was on holiday and many businesses were closed Monday and Tuesday. So we had to make two trips to town to do our bank business.
We are learning our way around this city but we are still glad we don't have to drive and navigate at the same time. It is working out well to use a taxi for our outing's and saving a lot of money because we are not renting a car. However, it is not always very convenient. It is hard to visit the members using a taxi because there is generally a wait of about 20 minutes for each taxi---coming and going from one home to another. But it is very fun to visit the members. We are involved in teaching the follow-up lessons to newly baptized members.
The weather continues hot and humid. Guess it doesn't change much from dry to wet season. We hear from home that it has been very hot---in the 90's---so we won't say a word of complaint. However, I did buy a jacket last week because I get so cold in some of the airports where we wait.
I will let Bill/Dad finish this posting.
Well how about my haircut? We stopped in to one of the many beauty parlors and I asked for a haircut. Well she kept asking me things and I wasn't sure so I just said "ya" and she continued her work. The first surprise was she shampooed my hair and forever....like 10 minutes with a green tea shampoo. So you know I don't have much hair especially after she used a #1. Then she massaged my scalp and shoulders and then more shampoo. Finally she rinsed and then asked about oil something which I thought she was going to put oil on my hair but oh no she scrubbed my oily face and the inside of my ears!! 45 minutes latter I was finally done all for about $6 usd.
So tonight we did our first visiting in KK.
The one place was right in the jungle behind some nice homes where the family was squatting.
The other was a flat and they had just about nothing. Most all of your garages are nicer and more furnished than their flat. Oh but very nice and very warm people. And they are so happy! We love it that we are making friends again in the branch.
In the morning we fly to Lahad Datu. The other side of the north end of Borneo. We will be traveling all over the place for the week looking at about 20 schools scattered all over the jungle. We will be doing the preliminary groundwork for the water specialist visit the end of October. We will be there for the week. This area really is on the edge of civilization. However we have been there and visited these school before last July and we just love the kids and their teachers. They are so fun. We are so happy that we will probably be able to help them have enough clean water and some bathrooms which they do not have at present.
The following week we go to Singapore for our visa run and then come home and go up to Sandakan at the very northern tip of Borneo for the weekend finishing up the wheel chair project.
So I need to go pack. Thanks for all of your support and prayers and especially thanks to those that take a moment to write it is so good to hear from home.