We have three tentative water projects at present. One is about 3 hours from here in a village of 3000 without clean water. All long houses and live in the jungle. The other is 5 hours from here and has a population of about 5000 and they are in the jungle and always have been. The are mostly naked and sleep in the trees or in the rafters so the animals don't get them. We are told that when we visit we will be offered the headman's quarters to sleep in. Not sure how we will do sleeping in the rafters. We will take any who come over to see us to that one, I am sure you will be right over, especially Lauralee. The other is about 1 hour by air and 2 hours by car and we don't know much more than that. We will be traveling to these sites in the next 30 days we hope.
This week we have branch visits, district meetings, lunch with the young elders, zone conference with the mission president for 1 1/2 days and CES meetings with the CES couple out of Kuching and our new seminary teacher. They have seminary one night a week here.
The branch is doing better each week. We started with 63 at meetings, last week 73 and this week 85. So we keep seeing the members and loving them and they seem willing to respond so far.
We have had some showers during the past week. They don't last long but they wet down everything really well.
We really enjoy reading your emails and knowing that you are thinking of us and supporting us in your prayers. Thank you.
the picture of the beach is pretty! and that tree you are standing next to looks huge! I bet it is fun exploring.. glad you had a "talk" with Cami.. sounds like she helped/encouraged you a bit.. the driving would be so confusing to me! your branch seems to be responding well to you and your love.. and calls to repentance! :) keep it up.. sorry I didn't get to talk to you on your mother's day.. but it is still mother's day here, so hopefully we'll get to talk..
You guys are doing great! When I think of the major changes to your everyday living-I am once again amazed!! I can't even imagine the challenge it must be and YOU BOTH make it look so easy and natural!!! I know the people are loving you both and that they feel the spirit of Christ through you both!!! Your awesome keep up the good work!! Love you Lots!!!
Sounds like quite the adventure. When you go to visit the tribe in the jungle please show your cultural diversifiation and acceptence by joining the locals in their native attire. It just seems like you might have more success with your water project proposal. Those grape flavored Sprits's sure sound good, you guys' should drink one of those for me. Do you ever see fried Star-Fish for sale? Do they sell candied insects there?
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