
First Three Months Mark

This week we hit our three month mark. The time is going by so quickly. It seems that we just arrived and it also seems like we have been here for a long time. We spent two days in Singapore last week.
We would have never afforded this hotel any other time. The rates are low because of swine flu and the economy. So we took advantage. Probably never get to do this again. It was very nice.

We have a new mission president and we met him and his wife. We also spent a day in Kuching meeting with Rotary Club members there who we partnered with several years ago on projects. They are excited to resume the relationship with LDS Charities.
The small white building in the center is the old fort from the time when the Rajah ruled Sarawak. The old palace (astana) is still there as well and maybe we will get to see it sometime.Charles Brooke was the last Rajah to rule Sarawak. His family ruled for many years. A fascinating history to be sure.

We have started a temple preparation class for our branch. There is only one couple in the branch who have been to the temple and we would like to change that. How else will we ever get a temple built here in Bintulu?? Tonight we taught the lesson about the plan of salvation and it was interesting to watch the faces of the members which told us that much of what they were hearing was brand new. It was a reminder that they are new to the church, new to Christianity, new in every way. One young man who attended our class was baptized less than 48 hours ago. They are so hungry for the gospel and they want to do what's right. They humble me.

These are some of our branch members---Brother Joseph,Junis, Elder Hart, Sylvester, and President Mudus. Kneeling in front is a man who was baptized 2 weeks ago.l Just about every week we have a baptism. They are so hungry for the truth and when they hear it they are ready. They are so strong and dedicated.

This week we have a young elder in our district who has dengue fever. He has been in the hospital for about 6 days but came home today and is now confined to home for a week. That really is hard for his companion so we are trying to help. Any suggestions from you return missionaries? Take them pizza. Do their laundry.

We find that we are extremely busy as our humanitarian projects are taking off. We talked with President Clarke about it. It is GOOD but it is hard on us old folks.

1 comment:

Lauralee said...

oh it is fun to see the members of your branch.. they look happy. It is pretty sweet to watch people so ready for the gospel and eager to change their lives.. it is humbling.
that looks like a really nice hotel, glad you got to stay there.
take care of each other.. you guys are working hard- thanks for being out there and being examples to us!