We have not traveled this week so we have had some opportunities to visit people in our branch and also we were able to have friends to our FHE again.
We visited a rural farming area Saturday. These people are very poor. This woman is fishing in a flood control ditch for little fish about 2 inches long. Where they grow rice. This is in the area of Kota Belud. We also spent some time out on the beach and ended the day watching the sun set and the moon rise at just about the same time.KOTA KINABALU BRANCH
17 JANUARY 2010
This is the photo of most of our branch in front of our chapel. (By the way, there is a nice photo of our chapel on google earth.) That is our district president sitting in front with the kids.
Monday evening we invited a nice young family to join us for Family Home Evening. They are Ian and Juneffer and their children Whitney, Billary, and Hyrum (baby). She is the RS president and he is first counselor to our branch president. They are so young. Ian is only 22 years old. They have very strong testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sorry about my reflection in the window---I was trying to get the kids to look at the camera.
Sis Audrey shared her conversion story with us. She said that while she was in college she was looking for something more than her church offered. One night she had prayed fervently that the Lord would show her the light. Within a few days the missionaries knocked on her door. Within a few weeks she was seriously considering baptism. She was concerned about how her parents felt about the church. The missionaries quoted a scripture to her from the D&C that gave her comfort regarding her family and she joined the church and has been active ever since. After our visit in which we cleared up a misunderstanding she is now considering asking her husband for permission to have their oldest son baptized.
We really like to visit the members of the branch. That is such a good way to get to know them. We can only go if there is another member to go with us because we don't know where people live and the taxi driver wouldn't be able to find them.
Speaking of taxi drivers, we had a really interesting experience last week with ours. We took our regular taxi to visit a sister who lives quite a distance from town. We told Chong that we would be about an hour and so he decided to just wait for us while we visited. So we arrived at Sister Lisa's home, took off our shoes and went in. Chong followed us, took off his shoes and came in and sat down. We had to tell him that we were going to be talking about some private things. "Oh, OK. I'll wait outside." We really chuckled about that. He is quite unsophisticated.
Elder and Sister Douglas, the other senior couple here in Kota Kinabalu, are getting ready to go home in a few weeks and are handing over some of their responsibilities to us. We will not be able to 'fill their shoes' because of our other responsibilities with humanitarian work but we will try to take up the slack. We will miss them as will the branch members.
Funny story: We recently heard a 'lounge singer' singing tunes from our younger days and he was pretty good with a good voice range. He accompanied himself with guitar and harmonica. But I just had to giggle when he sang a Neil Diamond song, "Sweet Carorine". He just couldn't get those 'l' sounds. He took some requests and also sang "Micherre" and "The Sroup John B" for Bill.
Today I discovered a keyboard boxed up in the church library so I 'checked' it out. I haven't had a way to practice since we have been here in KK but I continue to play for RS and also for baptisms. It was nice to be able to practice a little. Now maybe I won't make so many mistakes.
We will spend next week in Mukah. We fly to Miri and then fly a small 18 seater up into the jungle mountain area. It is only accessible by boat or air. We hope to find a way to better establish our presence there. We have a small group that meets regularly and is growing rapidly. But when they found a place to rent and they found out they were Christian the offer was withdrawn. So we hope to involve the group there in a nice humanitarian project so the community will see what we stand for.
Thanks so much for your nice notes. We look forward to getting those.
We will spend next week in Mukah. We fly to Miri and then fly a small 18 seater up into the jungle mountain area. It is only accessible by boat or air. We hope to find a way to better establish our presence there. We have a small group that meets regularly and is growing rapidly. But when they found a place to rent and they found out they were Christian the offer was withdrawn. So we hope to involve the group there in a nice humanitarian project so the community will see what we stand for.
Thanks so much for your nice notes. We look forward to getting those.
I just want to let you both know, I keep up with your blogs and you are inspiring to us, you are mentors to us, the lord knew what he was doing when he sent you there for those people.
I am working on putting on an Emergency Fair at the Castle Rock Ward for the entire Stake (March 20th), it is coming along real fine, I now have about 20 different people talking or demonstrating about different subjects. I gave two talks sunday,one on the wards ERC plan and one on the Fair. It went well enough that I ran out of time.
Our prayers are with you both always.
Terry and Connie Reams
hi! how did I miss this post? LOVE the pictures. love that one of you mom on the blanket. where is dad? not one picture of him.
don't you just love the members? they seems like such sweet humble people...
so glad you guys get to be there... I imagine you miss me a lot- :) but I will be here when you get home, along w/ the rest of your kids... grand kids...
that is funny the taxi driver went in with you.... I bet that was a little awkward.
miss you and love you.
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