Grandpa Davis has a story for you. You realize of course that our last post on this blog was last February. It was then that we decided that we would become farmers! See, we have had this beautiful home and 5 acres of pasture and the pasture has been vacant for the 16 years that we have lived here. We did not feel like good stewards of what we were blessed with. So we started the search for something that we could develop into a "cash crop." During months and months of continuous research and visiting other small farms and ruling out many things like berries and animals including Alpacas we found lavender!
Lavender seems to have quite a large demand world wide. In fact in some countries like New Zealand it is one of the major crops. Here in the USA there isn't yet even a national organization to represent lavender. It is not on the list as a major crop here and not even listed by some as a crop grown here. But what is cool is that most everyone loves it!! As far as the actual projected gross income per acre and all the other pertinent business concerns I will address those issues in an upcoming blog.
We decided to move ahead with our venture of developing a lavender farm and we have been so busy establishing our lavender fields The next few pictures will make it look like it was no big deal but believe me it was hard work and took days and alot of time on our 63 year old knees.
We mowed 1 acre very close to the ground
Then we plowed with the old Troy Built.
And then covered it with commercial ground cover and thousands of staples all put in one by one by hand!
The with compassionate friends and family we planted the first 1200 Grosso Plants.
This is the beginning of our journey with lavender and we hope next summer our field will look like this.
We sure hope that our many followers of our journey to Malaysia from 2009 to 2010 will follow this new journey. One of our major goals of this new business is to provide the means whereby we can serve again. We would be so excited to do so but first have to make this happen!
We would invite you to visit our brand new and just up and operating web site:
When you do will you please join our email newsletter ?
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